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Photo trip “Greenland” with OM System Ambassador Marcin Dobas

September 6 – 15, 2024

Registrations are closed

Join us for a photo trip “Greenland” with OM System Ambassador Marcin Dobas

Autumn in Greenland is in many ways one of the best photographic moments to visit. There are far fewer tourists, no need to worry about biting insects, and the tundra transforms into a colorful plant mosaic. From August to April, Greenland is also one of the best places in the world to see the Northern Lights. With a bit of luck , we will be able to photograph this unique spectacle of lights on a clear evening.

Greenland is primarily known as one of the two places in the world where an ice sheet exists. Floating icebergs the size of the Empire State Building are its hallmark. Taking a boat trip or kayaking amidst these Arctic-lit ice mountains is a one-of-a-kind experience. However, Greenland is not just ice! It is also one of the best places to taste unique landscapes and wilderness on land and in the ocean. Whales, seals, musk oxen, reindeer, autumn tundra, glaciers, Northern Lights, colorful villages, Inuit people—these are just some of the photographic subjects that can be explored on the trip.


DATES: 6-15.09.2024

PRICE : 5600 PLN + 3900 EUR 

PLACE: Greenland



Start: September 6, 2024
End: September 15, 2024
OM Digital Solutions


Marcin Dobas

fotograf, podróżnik
  • Marcin Dobas

    Marcin Dobas
     – fotograf National Geographic, specjalizujący się w fotografii podróżniczej, krajobrazowej, przyrodniczej oraz podwodnej. Ukończył studia na wydziale geologii i pracuje jako ratownik górski i pilot wycieczek. Członek międzynarodowego teamu fotografów Olympus Visionaries, Ambasador Eizo. Marcin spędził z aparatem sporo czasu w takich miejscach jak Svalbard, Nowa Zelandia, Norwegia, Tajlandia, Nepal, Malezja, Szwecja, Finlandia, Grenlandia, Maroko, Egipt, czy Wielka Brytania koncentrując się na fotografowaniu dzikiej przyrody i krajobrazów tych miejsc. Jego fotografie są publikowane w różnych miejscach Świata w magazynach, książkach i kalendarzach.

    W 2015 roku wraz z wydawnictwem National Geographic ukazała się książka jego autorstwa “Fotowyprawy czyli dziewięć opowieści o fotografii“.


    Marcin Dobas is a photographer contributing for National Geographic Polandand a member of the international Olympus Visionaries team and EIZO Ambassador Program. He specializes in wildlife, wilderness landscapes, and underwater photography. He has a degree in Geology and works as a mountain rescuer and tour leader. Pictures taken during his travels are regularly published around the world in magazines, books, and calendars. Many of them won awards in prestigious, international photography contests. Marcin spent lot of time in distant places such as Svalbard, New Zealand, Norway, Thailand, Nepal, Malaysia, Sweden, Finland, Morocco, and Egypt, concentrating on photographing their wildlife. He runs photography workshops in Poland, Iceland, Nepal, India, Svalbard, and Greenland.

    In 2015, National Geographic Poland published his book titled “Photo Expeditions – nine stories about Photography”

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